I went to a Ruby Meetup the other day, where DHH attended. I didn't talk a whole lot
(at least, I don't think I did); I'm a Python programmer, and I didn't
want to intrude, so I mostly listened.
If anything, I came away feeling even more that Ruby and Python are
alike. Not just at the language level, but at the community level as
well -- especially when you take away the syntax and other particulars
(and people talk with neither begin and end, nor significant
whitespace, so all those particulars are gone in conversation).
David had actually read my last post on Rails and
we talked about it a little. One thing he cleared up for me is that
templates and helpers are not mixed into the controller, so helpers
aren't a way of creating private methods, but a way of giving
templates access to code. The confusing part, for me, is that Rails
copies all the instance variables from the controller over to the
template, so the template appears to be the same object as the
controller, even if it isn't.
Another thing that people talked about a lot of Ajax (DHTML), which
everyone was very excited about. During their discussion of Ajax, one
advantage of their "partials" (HTML reuse by composing multipe
templates/files) is that these same bits of partial content are used
heavily for the Ajax portions -- a typical Ajax request in Rails sends
something to the server, and the server rerenders the content of a
<div> and sends it back. So in many cases the partial is rendered
in isolation and delivered in isolation (then put in place by
assigning to innerHTML). I still think it's an unpleasant way to
reuse HTML, but this unexpected benefit might change that. I guess
it's a move towards page-as-widgets, which has never attracted me
before, but Ajax does really change that.
My ASP comparison came up again. Anyway, in that case he explained
that he didn't want people to think that Rails had an execution model
like ASP, where the URL points to a template, and so forth. I just
meant ASP in terms of template syntax, to clarify.
And lastly, on the Rails topic, there's a a complaint I forgot last
time ;)
This code from the to-do tutorial shocked and
surprised me:
if item.save # Try to save our item into the database
redirect_to(:action => "list") # Return to the list page if it suceeds
render_text "Couldn't add new item" # Print an error message otherwise
I've just been dealing with some Perl CGI code, and one of the things
that drives me nuts is how the code -- not horrible code, mind you --
just ignores all sorts of errors (usually causing things to fail at a
later point in time). If something isn't successful raise an
exception. The only time not to do this is if the function has no
side effect and has indication of success/failure as its sole
purpose. This does not describe a database save.
Anyway, that's all on that.
Ultimately I'm left unsatisfied. Like all occassions in the past when
I've looked at Ruby, I'm left feeling mystified. There's room for
multiple languages, but Ruby and Python are so similar, and only
seem to become more similar with time. Not just technically, but
culturally as well. Sometimes I think people have choosen Ruby
because it is less popular, because green field work is more
exciting, because they can have a larger influence on the community.
I wish them well... but now that they are putting up a real fight for
mindshare I at least plan to meet them head-to-head, and leverage
all of Python's strength that I can. I don't see any reason to snipe
Rails users -- you could do a lot worse than Rails, and that's not a
group ripe for conversion -- but I won't let them define themselves as the Next Big Thing in web programming without a
Well, that's a good segway... so, the topic of Rails clones came up at
the meetup. David felt that the clones weren't taking the right
approach by using pre-existing components, as Subway and Trails are, that they should have rewritten
things from the ground up. Of course, this really would put them on
level ground with Rails (except a year behind), which is why the
authors chose not to do that. People seemed skeptical that anyone
could achieve what Rails achieved without total integration and design
(and redesign) of multiple components in concert. (For Pythonistas --
we're not talking Zope-2-like integration here, since Rails is heavy
on testability which discourages explicit coupling.)
Personally I don't buy that, but I'll let you all think about that on
your own.