This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Chris Winters.
Original Post: Site update in place: OI 2.0b6
Feed Title:
Feed URL:®istrar=sedopark
Feed Description: Chris Winters on Java, programming and technology, usually in that order.
cwinters@www cwinters $ HEAD
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Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 05:18:44 GMT
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Update went ok although with a few hiccups. Eating my own dogfood found a fairly serious bug in upgrading which should be fixed shortly. All the REST and action resolver stuff I talked about recently is now in action and you can now use preformatted text in comments with use.perl-inspired ecode tags -- thanks to Aristotle for the suggestion.
I also added a new feature found in the updated 'news' package -- the front page and main news page now have an 'Archive' box listing all my news posts by month. Caching makes doing this dynamically a piece of cake -- it only gets generated once an hour, which makes my soon-to-get-more-memory server a happy camper.
So once I'm certain the aforementioned bug is fixed I'll get this version out on CPAN -- lots of changes, and for once it's on schedule. (Sure, it's a schedule I announced only a few weeks ago, but you gotta have some victories...)