This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Fred Grott.
Original Post: Unsolicited Commercial Email
Feed Title: ShareMe Technologies LLC-The Mobile Future
Feed URL:
Feed Description: A Weblog about Java programming and digital convergence on mobile devices in such areas as P2P and collaborative technology.
Thee are numerous spammers and fraudsters out on internet that send Unsolicited Commercial Email stating that you purchased a product to get perosnal information for illegal uses. I do not know if Jason Thane was up to any illegal use other than the first Unsolicited Copmmercial email that he sent me. However, according several laws sending Unsolicited Commerical Email, and claiming I purchased something in a email does in fact qualify as commercial email, is in fact deifned as spmmer. Hnece the claim that Jason Thane in sending me that I purchased hsi product email is in fact apsammer.
Jason, it would be wise if you stop cc'ing me all over thenet as it only increases your ranking in google's search engine and several other search engines to the point where these posts will be front page. In fact, an apollogy to me might be in order to close the issue at the very least.
Please understand I am not against mentioning products on this page. However, I do not want Unsolicited commercial email flowing to my email account and in fact sending email claiming I purchased software from your company is in fact Unsolicited Commercial Email andin fact spam, not to mention the false advertising problem in the emial nkowing full well that I never purchased software from your company in the first place! The FTC tends to frown on that type of spam Mr Jason Thane!