This might just win the title for the longest title for a link so far this year...
Does Eclipse's RCP mark the return of the fat client or didn't they just hear about the South Beach Diet yet? Replacing the old client server architecture with the web application architecture made quite a few folks very happy. Besides hard- and software sales people who were given new arguments to sell new stuff, the IT guys were just lovin' it. Zero admin on the client side had finally become reality.
Users of all the new and cool web desktops on the other hand slowly discovered some serious flaws. Many of those much-appreciated conveniences like right mouse-clicks, re-ordering columns, stretching column widths, fast scrolling, etc. or just keeping state, were gone.
Ask yourself, why do most users prefer an e-mail client like Outlook or Thunderbird over or GoldMine over, Quicken over, the list goes on an on.