I actually wished that one of the instant audience polls would have been:
How would like like TheServerSide to include other technologies outside of Java?
Only Java Tech please! This is your niche! Have a TSS.NET conference for that stuff
Other fringe tech, but from the point of view of an enterprise Java guy
I have to work in a heterogenous environment, so would love a hard core .NET track. Besides. I don't have to go :)
The reason I mention this, is that I think the community has chilled out from the days of "oh man, I hope .NET doesn't take over!".
Now, several years have passed, and J2EE is doing fine. .NET is doing fine too. We can live in harmony ;)
These days, a lot of developers work in the world of both Java and .NET. In fact, what does it even mean to be an "enterprise Java developer".
Why, just today I wrote SQL, Java, JavaScript, ruby, Groovy, bash, and had to look at XML. Hardly Java only :)
Now the politics has died down, I think there is a lot to gain by having a conference where the camps mix. I enjoyed my time at MS Tech Ed last year, and learnt a few things.