This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Thomas Gideon.
Original Post: AOP Concession
Feed Title: Command Line Interface
Feed URL:
Feed Description: The blog of a programmer-hacktivist-curmudgeon who occasional rants about society, work, and technology, among other things. Now how do I get to a command prompt on this thing?
Here's how, in retrospect, I think this conversation should have gone.
Me: Gee, why would you want to use AOP for just about everything, for your CMS project? Question? Question? Question?
Carlos: Well, for our CMS project, one of, if not the most, important customer requirement is flexibility and editing an XML file seemed a better answer than expecting the customer to extend Java classes. Also, the conventional wisdom currently suggests only judicious use of AOP without being clear on exactly how much "judicious" is. A side effect of using AOP so extensively is to find out exactly where it breaks down. Plus benefit. Benefit. Benefit.
Me: Gee, that's a much more compelling argument, when you put it that way, than arguing all the lesser benefits which can be realized without AOP as easily as with in a point-counterpoint style.
I tried to make it clear that I have no beef with AOP, I resent the OOP purist jab, as it just isn't applicable and it smacks, although only slightly, of the kind of defensive, knee jerk arguments that so easily erupt in a blogging environment. Maybe my own frustrations bled into my original post a little much and colored it more than they should have. I should have taken a more questioning tone, instead of coming off like it was just wrong, wrong, wrong. For that I apologize.