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by Goldy Lukka.
Original Post: HttpTunneling - the smart way out.
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What do you do when you want to configure your E-Mail client on ports 110 and 25 and the proxy server (you use to connect to the internet) does not allow. Or, when the proxy server does not let your favorite IM establish a connection as it is using an alien port.
This is a very common problem. Many of the corporates and service providers do this to prevent users from getting personal with a non person PC of use. The most common technique is to allow all requests arising from PORT 80 to be allowed a connection with the outsite world and block most of the other PORTS from doing so.
Even, telecom operators use this technique so that users cannot use more than just a browser on their phone (no matter if the user has a hi tech streaming video client or an Email application supporting POP3, IMAP and SMTP).
The solution is to use an Http Tunnel. Http Tunnel is the mechanism by which, an application routes its networking requests through PORT 80. This enables any application to pass through the proxy and survive the common PORT blocks.
In order to go through the tunnel, I came across JHttpTunnel (refer to the title of this post). JHttpTunnel is the implementation of GNU httptunnel's protocol in Java.
I feel, most of the applications that require a different port than 80, must provide an HttpTunneled version so that the use does not get limited. One such move is taken by J2M VNC client project.
So the next when you are delivering a product, make sure you have a tunneled version of it too.
[Resource-Type: Library; Category: Web, Java; XRating: 4] Title of the post takes you to the JHttpTunnel Project page. Explore this API with JACK and code faster.