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by dion.
Original Post: Microsoft comes out with details on Indigo
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Ted has been itching to talk about Indigo. Now he can.
Day 2 of VSLive 2005 was 'indigo day'. They came out talking about the ABCs of Indigo:
A = Address. This is the end point that makes a service accessible.
B = Binding. Binding represents the transports, encoding, and protocols used by the service.
C = Contract. The contract consists of the operations and schemas for the messages sent and received by the service.
And look at some VB code for writing service impls:
Imports System.ServiceModel
<ServiceContract(Name:="MyService", Namespace:=>
Public Class MyService
Function DoSomething(input as String) as String
'Perform some logic returning a string
End Function
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim sh as ServiceHost(of MyService)
End Sub
End Module
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Microsoft To Release Whidbey CTP, Avalon And Indigo For Windows XP Soon
TSS VSLive Coverage