This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Talip Ozturk.
Original Post: wow, I never knew that was possible!
Feed Title: Shared Memory
Feed URL:®istrar=sedopark
Feed Description: about java, jini, javaspaces, programming, aop and a little bit of me and life.
I came a cross with a new project called EdgeCase. They are looking for java gurus to join. I think it is a nice effort to put together awesome codelets. If you think you are a java guru or have excellent/extra-ordinary/none-typical pieces of code, you may want to consider joining the project. When you visit their sites, don't forget to check out the 'Source code' section to see existing code. The message from the project leads is
This primary goal of this group is to find new and interesting ways to use Java beyond those commonly used in typical programming. This includes both using the rarely used libraries (reflection, references, proxies, channels, etc) and also using commonly used libraries in new ways. Anything that gives hard-core Javaphiles, new and old, that "wow, I never knew that was possible!" feeling will fit the bill.