"Quickly, what is Standard Java?"
"Stuff coming out of Sun. JCP, JSR, etc."
"What about SWT?"
"Never paid attention to it. It's IBM trying to sabotage standard Java."
"What about the Logging API?"
"That's standard Java. And standards are good."
"What about Log4j?"
"Not standard. Should be dead. Shouldn't use it. Everyone should migrate away from it."
"What about EJBs?"
"EJB is standard and good. I wrote three entity beans myself. It's quite easy. I used an Access database."
"What about Spring and Hibernate?"
"I heard Paul and Eric talking about them. The bloggers talk about them all the time. But they're not standards. We are not going to use them in our projects."
"Do you use Ant, JUnit, XDoclet? They are not standard."
"Uh? They have got to be standards, because we use them all the time."
"I bet you've never heard of OSGi."
"Nop. There is no JSR for it. Must be useless."
"Do you like static imports?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a new feature in Java 5. It's standard and it must be good."
"What about compiling Java into native code, using GCJ?"
"You must never do that. You lose platform portability. Plus, GCJ is just a bunch of kids trying to get Sun to open source their JDK."
The person answering is a run-of-the-mill corporate IT developer who works 9 to 5, who reads java.sun.com and perhaps eWeek and who doesn't read blogs. Of course his answers are all wrong.