This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Fred Grott.
Original Post: Roller Downtime
Feed Title: ShareMe Technologies-The Mobile Future
Feed URL:®istrar=sedopark
Feed Description: A Weblog about Java programming and digital convergence on mobile devices in such areas as P2P and collaborative technology. Old Archive .
The Roller downtime stuff has seemed to clear up most of the time so once
agin my blog is up full-time 24/7. Usually I complain about stuff I have
attemtpted to fix, so no complaints as I have not had time to view roller
code and see where things can be corrected or improved. I am sure we will
see some new code and improvement this weekend along with notice of a new
mnor release of roller to improve the performance.
....And remember
if you as a programmer or developer only complain about problems without
living the path of leanring how to fix those problems, you never learn and
grow very boring and stale as a programmer/developer.