JFormDesigner 1.0 - Swing GUI designer
The JFormDesigner project has announced the release of version 1.0 Final. "JFormDesigner is an WYSIWYG GUI designer for Swing user interfaces. It provides a lot of powerful features and supports JGoodies FormLayout, TableLayout, GridBagLayout and other standard layout managers. The advanced GridBagLayout support allows the specification of horizontal and vertical gaps (as in TableLayout)." There is a changelog for version 1.0 RC1 through final available.
Looking forward for new Eclipse UI. / Eclipse
Today Eclipse team will release 3.1M4. From the beginning of this week they have been running integration builds few times a day, so I took one more or less bugless and took a closer look on new features. Most notable change is new look of the Preferences dialog.
JDIC release 0.8.7 is available now
What is new in this release:
*Desktop Mailer support Mozilla Thunderbird on Windows/Linux/Solaris
*WebBrowser work fine when browsing https site.
*Automatically set JAVA_HOME and java.library.path property for TrayIcon.
*Environment variables are setted by code automatically, you just need to add the jdic.jar to your classpath.
*Fix several critical bugs of TrayIcon.
*Fix several critical bugs of Packager.
*Remove several unnecessary library to build jdic.
*Refine code for init package.