This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Weiqi Gao.
Original Post: The Case Against Web Applications
Feed Title: Weiqi Gao's Weblog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Sharing My Experience...
Ever the contrarian, I would like to pour some cold water onto the whole circus. Think, people, think!
Here's some questions to ask:
What is the essential feature of the browser that made Google Suggest possible?
When did this feature first appear in a browser? Which browser? What version?
Why haven't we been using it for the many years since the feature first appeared?
Who invented this feature? What is he doing now?
How much did it cost to develop Google Suggest?
What kind of processing power and bandwidth is needed to host the server side components in support of this feature?
Now, for something completely different: Who is Kevin Gibbs? Which company does he work for? What does he do during the 80% of the time when he's not doing the "20% time, any project you want" thing?
Finally, just to make it sting a little for the JavaBlogs crowd: Was it written in Java? J2EE? IoC Containers? Or was it written in Python (Paul Graham-ish grin)?
Now, my challenge: Do you have a little bitty search box on your blog? Now go ahead and make it behave just like Google Suggest!