What to do with multiple cores on the desktop?
The world of chips are becoming multi-core. Many of us have heard of Niagra and UltraSPARC IV by now. Intel is heading the multi-core way. So is AMD. Multi-core designs are going to inevitably hit the desktop. Sssoooo, what does that mean for desktop computing?
Java Home Media Option
JavaHMO implements a media server for the Home Media Option from TiVo? and adds new innovative features beyond the existing functionality provided by TiVo's implementation.
The Java Electric CAD Tool
fter spending 21 years developing his Electric VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) Design System (known as Electric) in C, Sun Microsystems Distinguished Engineer Steven M. Rubin decided to translate his creation into the Java language, starting in September 2003. The results are impressive. Java Electric is more stable, has a better user interface, and is in many ways faster than Electric in C.
Swing is NOT evil!
After reading the latest german "java magazine", its obvious that the trend of hyping different GUI alternatives is not over yet. It seems that a lot of people have a swing picture in mind which just doesnt comform to latest Swing improvements. In fact, most of the developers i speak with touched Swing years ago and take this experience as current argumentation base. But ok, lets focus on the other technologies out there. What do we have...
JTGL (Java Tiny Gfx Library) v0.76 released
Java Tiny Gfx Library (JTGL) is a graphic fundation framework (a graphics/gaming api) that will allow easy deployment/porting of applications/games on many environments: AWT/Swing/SuperWaba(Palm/PocketPC)/J2ME(MIDP1&2)/ExEn/DoJa,Nokia,Siemens ,Motorola,etc..
Why hasn't XML based UI design caught on?
One of the tools I use a lot when doing C, C++, or Python programming, is a GUI designer called Glade, along with its companion library lib-glade. Glade has really caught on in the Linux / Unix world. What is so great about it? One of the great things about it is its ability to create the UI based entirely on an XML file...
Swing: Creating Polished Apps
Ben Galbraith delivers an expert presentation on giving your Swing apps a professional "look & feel" and minimizing layout complexity.
"SWT: A Developer's Notebook" Review
"SWT: A Developers Notebook" is the latest book in the Developer's Notebook series from O'Reilly. Not only was this my first experience with the Developer's Notebook series, but it was also my first experience with Eclipse and SWT.