Leverage JNLP and SOAP for Java Thick-client Development
Although Java never quite lived up to its early promise of thick-client computing on the Web, intranets can benefit from the capabilities the JNLP protocol affords?especially when combined with the SOAP protocol.?
Swing: The Grey Fog
There has been a lot of buzz about the Swing 'fog' that occurs when painting is being delayed by other processes.
Useful Java Application Components 0.9.19
Useful Java Application Components (UJAC) is a collection of components that may be useful for your project. It provides a powerful expression interpreter, an iText-based document processing engine that generates PDF documents based on XML templates, a charting library supporting JSP custom tags, and much more.
Java Launcher 2.00 released
(1) Launching java applications and applets by double-clicking class files from Windows explorer.
(2) Launching java source code and class hierarchy by right-clicking class files from Windows explorer.
(3) Creating Windows exe files for Java applications with user icon, arguments and manifest files
(4) Creating executable Jar files for Java applications
replaced InitHandler with a more powerful StartupHandler
Psssstt, look what DotNet can do...
Check out this independent library to do vector graphics and animation written for dotnet. The authors recently figured out how to host their Control inside Internet Explorer with default permissions. In other words the code loads up without asking any questions and runs in a safe environment, so it is essentially an applet. Because it's an ActiveX control, it can run in other environments, too.
Agile User Interface Development
"If you're not doing Agile, you're in the past." This is the message of the recent SD Best Practices 2004 conference. Agile processes like XP and Scrum are becoming pervasive in the world of software development. Agile is a sea change, refocusing software developers on quality and s
peed. Its impact on the practice of software development is already being compared to that of object-oriented design. However, one area of effort has been slow to change: development of the graphical user interface (GUI). Since most software includes some type of GUI, and a good percentage of software development is completely GUI-centric, applying the advantages of Agile to GUI building is of key importance...