This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Mike Shoemaker.
Original Post: Coral - When you need a little cache!
Feed Title: Unruly Rambling (java category)
Feed URL:
Feed Description: My thoughts on software, technology, and life in general
During my morning browsing stint, I ran across this really cool site/tool. It's called coral and was created by NYU. The idea behind it is to make internet sites faster and more available by caching. Even though this concept is old, it has now been brought into the main stream. Your site, my site, heck anyone's site can use it for free with ZERO setup. All you have to do is append to your domain name and away you go. This is the perfect solution if you are hosting a picture gallery off your DSL connection and granny wants to view the pics from across the world. Give her the Coral-ized URL and your bandwidth troubles will go away.