Erik C. Thauvin
Posts: 4232
Nickname: ethauvin
Registered: Apr, 2004
Erik C. Thauvin maintains one of the web's first and most popular linkblogs.
[Sep 24, 2004 11:03 PDT] 15 Links
Posted: Sep 25, 2004 2:36 AM
Bay Area Mobility Forum — Saturday Sept. 25, Topic: BREW!
Berkeley DB, Java Edition II: Implementing Session Management . William Grosso walks through a more extended example of using it for session management.
Azureus Developers Interview . SourceForge is featuring an interview with the developers of Java P2P application developers Azureus .
Eclipse 3.0.1 . The Eclipse Project has updated the Eclipse IDE to version 3.0.1. It is primarily a bugfix release.
OrindaBuild 4.0 , a JDBC Code Generator for Eclipse.
JDBInsight 3.0 EA2 . Profile, Trace & Monitor.
Daffodil Replicator 1.4 . Among the prominent improvements in v1.4 is the compatibility of the tool with more number of data sources.
Brian — AutoHashMap .
Carlos — Maven 1.0.1 on the way .
Dale — New Jini Wiki ..
Dion — How the politics of thinking about Java as a platform, versus Java as a language, will be good for us .
Scott — Watson in Java from Sun? Created ... Then Killed?
Scott — Easy Java 3D and Webstart, Avoid InstallAnywhere, Checkboxes in JTree .
Simon — Running adhoc tests and classes in IDEA .
Weiqi — Whatever Happened to "Never Change Your Interfaces" (JDK 5.0 Horrors) .
Joe — SiteMesh 2.2 Released .
Read: [Sep 24, 2004 11:03 PDT] 15 Links