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by Marc Logemann.
Original Post: JSR-139 (CLDC 1.1) now final
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The group members of JSR-139 recently finalized their spec for CLDC 1.1. For all those out there not very intimate with the whole J2ME thing, the "Connected Limited Device Configuration" is some kind of base fundament for all applications, in the CLDC there are the very core classes, which are complemented by the profile classes, the most known is MIDP. Now what gives us CLDC 1.1 in the future:
* floating point support
* weak references
* Calendar, Date, TimeZone classes more J2SE compliant
* error handling refined
* Thread class was enhanced in a J2SE way
As you might expect, the minimum memory requirements on the device implementing CLDC1.1 increased from 160kb to 192kb. This is mostly because of the support of floating point numbers.
Another exciting thing is the existence of a hotspot capable virtual machine. I read it is also backward compatible with CLDC 1.0 but i heard about it in the context of 1.1. So lets see when device manufacturers will start implementing this thing. See a nice white paper on CLDC HotSpot. The ultimative reference documentation site for the J2ME world is here.