"In the '90s, people saw computer science as a quick opportunity for lucrative, high-paying jobs," says Stuart Zweben, chair of Ohio State University's computer- and information-science department. "Then companies began layoffs, and people heard about offshore outsourcing. That got [students] scared to go into [Computer Science and IT]. Students are becoming cautious. They have cold feet."
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"The development cycle time is getting shorter and shorter, and we need more and more innovators," says Francis, a member of the Texas State University System board of regents. Without an increase in the IT workforce, Francis sees employers' costs rising. "We'll go back to the situation of tremendous salary increases for those who care to choose IT for a career," he says.
Wow, apparently there was a brain-drain in b-school recently as well: "We'll save money by firing all these skilled people people...oh, now we need skilled people...oh...the labor pool is smaller, so we have to pay them more...how can we save money now? I know, let's hire unskilled people...oh...now we need to hire expensive skilled people to fix that work...oh..." The cycle of life continues.