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by dion.
Original Post: I'll name that developer in 5 lines of code!
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You know the feeling when you open up some code from a fellow programmer, and it says a lot about them?
Their code style speaks to you as does the style of an essay does.
My latest experience is looking at various Groovy code snippets. There have been two extremes that I have come across:
I like my Java, just with a twist
These folks are happy in Java land, and the code looks just like it. There are just a few things differing. Maybe the odd ';' is left off of the statements. Here and there variables aren't staticly typed. But, mainly, it looks like Java
I want to be different
Some of the guys who have really bitten into Groovy really try hard to have their code NOT look anything like Java. Everything is groovy-fied to the extreme.
This reminds me of some days when I was deep in the Perl community. Since the language gives you 55 ways to do something, you see even more contrasting styles. In that environment you could find the hacker, the one liner, the I have a Comp Sci degree so I code correctly!, the obfuscator, and more.
Fun :)