If you're going to create PDF output from DocBook, you need to get comfortable with XSLT, with XSL-FO, and with tracing through the stylesheets, as you'll need to customize the stylesheets and the FO that the produce.One of the initial annoyances is the formatting of <refentry> elements. The default formatting of the fragment:<refentry id="provider-bpel" xreflabel="BPEL service provider">
<refname>BPEL Service Provider</refname>
Provide BPEL process execution facilities.
</refnamediv>would be:The "--" is just plain ugly when a proper em-dash (— for the Unicode challenged) is available. Edit the file fo/fo.xsl and change the line:<xsl:when test="$dingbat='em-dash'">--</xsl:when>to<xsl:when test="$dingbat='em-dash'">—</xsl:when>And then comment out the following in the fo/refentry.xsl at line 315:<fo:block>
<xsl:for-each select="refname">
<xsl:apply-templates select="."/>
<xsl:if test="following-sibling::refname">
<xsl:text>, </xsl:text>
</fo:block>And, voila: