This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Carlos Perez.
Original Post: Handy Link To "101 Reasons Why Java is Better..."
Feed Title: .:Manageability:.
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Random thoughts on the manageability of complex software.
I've heard a few complaints from people having trouble finding the "101 list". My apologies, the navigation through my blog is a bit cumbersome, however it's doable if you take advantage of the calendar to move back in time.
A few things have changed since I finished the list, and of course there a few minor errors which I've previously pointed out. Incidentally, I now have comments, something I didn't have before, so feel free to contribute.
Honestly, I've been procrastinating about publishing a final form, afterall I don't feel too motivated because ".NET" appears to be dead anyway.