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by Sam Dalton.
Original Post: Review - Bug Patterns in Java by Eric Allen
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I am just coming to the end of this book, so I thought that I would post a little mini review.
I bought the book a few weeks ago on the spur of the moment in a local book shop as I had not seen to many books on this subject, and it sounded like it was going to give me a really interesting perspective on the subject of 'bug patterns' and debugging techniques.
The book presents a methodology for diagnosing and debugging Java programs. The book takes the stand that debugging is a scientific method, which I guess is true, but I felt that this was laboured a little.
The book goes on to present several of patterns of common bugs that people find when developing typical enterprise Java applications. Most of these are quite obvious if you have a fair bit of experience, but it never hurts to have them reiterated in a structured manner. The patterns are presented with reference to a case study (the development of a Java IDE) but I feel that not enough was made of this, and most patterns were demonstrated with overly contrived examples.
Over all I feel this book was a little academic, but it contains some useful information. I think it would be of particular value to new or inexperienced programmers as it will save them discovering a lot of these poblems 'the hard way'!