I bought Pragmatic Programming many
years ago and it has been one of my favorite
tech books for quite some time. This book is one of the reasons
that I got interested in code generation in the first place. As I was
preparing my AustinJUG
presentation, I went through the book looking for points directly or
indirectly related to what I consider to be good code generation
Tip 11 - DRY - Dont Repeat Yourself
Tip 17 - Program Close to the Problem Domain
Tip 20 - Keep Knowledge in Plain Text
Tip 29 - Write Code That Writes Code
Tip 38 - Put Abstractions in Code, Details in MetaData
Tip 50 - Dont Use Wizard Code You Dont Understand
Tip 61 - Dont Use Manual Procedures
Rather than projecting my interpretation, I'd suggest taking a
look at the book and seeing what Dave and Andy had to say on the
topic. (Norman's Pragmatic Tip #1: Let people who are smarter than you
speak for themselves)