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Print semicolon without using semicolon in java

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instanceof java

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Nickname: instanceof
Registered: Jan, 2015

instanceof java is a java related one.
Print semicolon without using semicolon in java Posted: Jun 10, 2017 3:12 AM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz by instanceof java.
Original Post: Print semicolon without using semicolon in java
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Feed Description: Instance of Java. A place where you can learn java in simple way each and every topic covered with many points and sample programs.
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  • Write a program to print a semicolon without using a semicolon anywhere in the code in java.
  • Write a program to print"hello world"without using semicolon anywhere in the code.\
  • Yes we can print ";" without using semicolon in java by using printf in java.
  • Format text using printf in java here we have provided information about how to format text using printf in java.
  • In the same way we can print ";" using printf .
  • ASCII value for ";" is 59. So if we print 59 in character format it will print ;
  • System.out.printf("%C",59).
  • But in java program end of every statement we need to keep ";". To eliminate this we can use if condition.
  • Keep print statement inside if condition and it will print the ";" now.
  • Now let us see an example java program to print a semicolon without using a semicolon anywhere in the code in java.

Program #1: Write a program to print a semicolon without using a semicolon anywhere in the code in java 

  1. package instanceofjava;
  2. /**
  3.  * Print semicolon without using semicolon in java
  4.  * Print hello world without using semicolon java program code
  5.  * @author
  6.  */
  7. public class PrintSemiColon {
  9. public static void main(String[] args) {
  11.     if(System.out.printf("%C",59) != null){
  13.     } 
  15. }
  16. }


  1. ;

Program #1: Write a program to print hello world without using a semicolon anywhere in the code in java

  1. package instanceofjava;
  2. /**
  3.  * Print semicolon without using semicolon in java
  4.  * Print hello world without using semicolon java program code
  5.  * @author
  6.  */
  7. public class PrintSemiColon {
  9. public static void main(String[] args) {
  11.     if(System.out.printf("Hello World")!=null){
  13.     }
  16. }
  17. }


  1. Hello World

print semilolon without semicolon

Read: Print semicolon without using semicolon in java

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