instanceof java
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Constructors in java
Posted: Mar 8, 2015 8:19 AM
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by instanceof java.
Original Post: Constructors in java
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Constructors will be executed when the object is created. Constructors should have same name of class name. Executed once per object. Basically used to assign instance variables package instanceofjava; class A{ A(){ } } } while creating object constructor will be executed so we can assign instance variables to some default values. package instanceofjava; class A{ int a,b A(int x, int y){ a=x; b=y; } public static void main(String[] args){ A a=new A(10,20); } } Types of constructors: There are two types of constructors Default constructors Parameterized constructor. Default constructor: Default constructor will not have any arguments. If we not defined any constructor in our class. JVM automatically defines a default constructor to our class. package instanceofjava; class Sample{ int a,b Sample(){ a=37; b=46; } public static void main(String[] args){ Sample obj=new Sample(); System.out.println(obj.a); System.out.println(obj.b); } } Output: Parameterized constructor package instanceofjava; class Sample{ int a,b Sample(int x, int y){ a=x; b=y; } public static void main(String[] args){ Sample obj=new Sample(37,46); System.out.println(obj.a); System.out.println(obj.b); } } Output: Constructor overloading: package instanceofjava; class Sample{ int a,b Sample(){ this(1,2); System.out.println("Default constructor"); } Sample(int x , int y){ this(1,2,3); a=x; b=y; System.out.println("Two argument constructor"); } Sample(int a , int b,int c){ System.out.println("Three argument constructor") } public static void main(String[] args){ Sample obj=new Sample(); System.out.println(obj.a); System.out.println(obj.b); } } Output: Three argument constructor Two argument constructor Default argument constructor 1 2
Read: Constructors in java