When I was in engineering school, Computer Science classes covered many fascinating topics, ranging from the theory of programming languages to development methodology to actual coding projects. I was thus exposed to a variety of languages ranging from Pascal to Ada to Fortran to SQL to C -- and to the latest innovation: C++ (Java wasn't born yet). I'll readily admit that coding wasn't my forte, which may be why I am now a marketer of software rather than a developer.
Nevertheless, I recall that the paradigm that was emphasized the most in my C++ classes was its object-orientation, which promoted the development of code units that were autonomous and reusable. Having learned the basics of coding with forgiving Pascal, it was easy (and tempting) for me and my fellow students to replicate in C++ the same techniques, so it was really important for the teachers to ingrain these concepts in our minds. (Now, I must really sound like a dinosaur, but believe me there were even older languages and techniques! I never learned COBOL for example.)