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Original Post: The 10 worst big data practices
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Yes, you can haz big data. However, you can haz it the right way or the wrong way. Here are the top 10 worst practices to avoid.
1. Choosing MongoDB as your big data platform. Why am I picking on MongoDB? I'm not, but for whatever reason, the NoSQL database most abused at this point is MongoDB. While MongoDB has an aggregation framework that tastes like MapReduce and even a (very poorly documented) Hadoop connector, its sweet spot is as an operational database, not an analytical system.
When your sentence begins, "We will use Mongo to analyze ...," stop right there and think about what you're doing. Sometimes you really mean "collect for later analysis," which might be OK, depending on what you're doing. However, if you really mean you're going to use MongoDB as some kind of sick data-warehousing technology, your project may be doomed at the start.