New design philosophy? New runtime? It all sounds good to developers ready to give Google's upcoming Android L release a try.
Unveiled this week at the Google I/O conference in San Francisco, Android L includes the "material design" visual design concept that spans across mobile and other platforms. The company at the event emphasized Android everywhere, with the OS powering devices ranging from watches, via Android Wear, to televisions, with Android TV, and even automobiles, through Android Auto.
"I'm quite excited about Android L," said developer Mike Burton, of Groupon. "I'm more excited about Android L than I have been about KitKat or Jellybean or most of the other updates that have been out recently." Burton, who also is author of "Android Application Development for Dummies," cited material design as a highlight. "As a developer, that's a very exciting opportunity for us to consolidate the look and feel of our Android apps with the look and feel of our Web apps. And it's a nice, fresh design that works very well and I think it will make our apps easier to use for our customers."