JavaFX, the Java-based rich client platform introduced by Sun Microsystems in 2007, has been refreshed as part of Oracle's rollout of Java 8, but doubts remain about how much of an impact it can ever make.
The open source JavaFX 8, unveiled in March, features UI controls, an embedded graphics stack, a modernized theme, 3D graphics capabilities, and additional HTML5 support. Its toolset has been designed around performance and graphics, and it can work well on embedded systems.
John Rymer, an analyst at Forrester Research, however, remains unconvinced of JavaFX's viability. "We don't see much if any interest in JavaFX," he said. "Java 8, yes, but not JavaFX. I'm afraid JavaFX is too little, too late. JavaFX certainly didn't accomplish Sun's goal for it, which was to make Java the top environment for Web client and mobile development."