This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Ross Mahony.
Original Post: Play 2 + Scala + Slick + more sample application
Feed Title: Monster Sandwich - Java, Spring, Hibernate, JPA, JEE, Scala
Feed URL:
Feed Description: A practical site with discussions on a wide range of Java topics where I have tried to include best practices. I try to include practical working examples that anyone can download, install and run. I would love to open discussion to other developers to collaborate with and to learn.
In my attempts to learn the Play Framework I decided to build my own sandbox project called Resource Vault. If you are curious about what I did you can download the project and run it in your local environment.
Resource Vault core design choices
Play for Scala - Scala API for Play application developers
Slick - Modern database query and access library for Scala
Bootstrap - Mobile first