In this article I am giving example of some SQL query which is asked when
you go for interview who is having one or two year experience on this field
.whenever you go for java developer position or any other programmer position
interviewee expect that if you are working from one or two years on any project
definitely you come across to handle this database query, so they test your
skill by asking this type of simple query.
Question 1:
SQL Query to find second highest salary of Employee
Answer : There are many ways to find second highest salary of Employee in
SQL, you can either use SQL Join or Subquery to solve this problem. Here is SQL
query using Subquery :
select MAX(Salary) from Employee WHERE Salary NOT IN (select MAX(Salary) from Employee );
2: SQL Query to find Max Salary from each department.
Answer :
SELECT DeptID, MAX(Salary) FROM Employee GROUP BY DeptID.
3:Write SQL Query to display current date.
Ans:SQL has built in function
called GetDate() which returns current timestamp.
SELECT GetDate();
4:Write an SQL Query to check whether date passed to Query is date of given
format or not.
Ans: SQL has IsDate() function which is used to check passed value is
date or not of specified format ,it returns 1(true) or 0(false) accordingly.
It will return 0 because passed date is not in correct format.
5: Write a SQL Query to print the name of distinct employee whose DOB is
between 01/01/1960 to 31/12/1975.
SELECT DISTINCT EmpName FROM Employees WHERE DOB BETWEEN ‘01/01/1960’ AND ‘31/12/1975’;
6:Write an SQL Query find number of employees according to gender whose DOB is between 01/01/1960 to
Answer : SELECT COUNT(*), sex from Employees
WHERE DOB BETWEEN ‘01/01/1960 '
AND ‘31/12/1975’ GROUP BY sex;
7:Write an SQL Query to find employee whose Salary is equal or greater than
Answer : SELECT EmpName FROM Employees
WHERE Salary>=10000;
8:Write an SQL Query to find name of employee whose name Start with ‘M’
Ans: SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE EmpName like 'M%';
9: find all Employee records containing the word "Joe", regardless of
whether it was stored as JOE, Joe, or joe.
Answer : SELECT * from Employees WHERE upper(EmpName) like
10: Write a SQL Query to find year from
Answer : SELECT YEAR(GETDATE()) as "Year";
Hope this article will help you to take a quick practice whenever you are
going to attend any interview and not have much time to go into the deep of
each query.
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