This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Franco Martinig.
Original Post: Vaadin: RIA in Java Without Plug-ins or JavaScript
Feed Title: Java Software Development Videos and Tutorials Directory
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Feed Description: is a directory of videos, interviews and tutorials focused on software development activities with the Java programming language.
Get introduced to the Vaadin framework by one of its core developers. The Vaadin provides a desktop-like programming model on the server for creating Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) in plain Java, without the need for HTML, XML, plug-ins or JavaScript.
In this session, Joonas lays out the key concepts of the server-side RIA development model and compares it to client-side RIA. To demonstrate the use of framework, an example application is developed during the session step-by-step. The presentation is concluded with pointers on how to start developing your own applications with ...