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Android Project Library Ghetto

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Fred Grott

Posts: 105
Nickname: sharemefg
Registered: Nov, 2005

Fred Grott is an android developer producing prototype applications for Chicago start-ups
Android Project Library Ghetto Posted: Sep 25, 2012 3:40 AM
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This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz by Fred Grott.
Original Post: Android Project Library Ghetto
Feed Title: GrottWorkShop
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Feed Description: Android development with a passion for Android, Java, and Agile.
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Before I being my rant, everyone likes the hard work everyon has put into developing android project libraris to make our android application development lives easier. Also, I am guilty as charged for what I am about to rant about.

Android development projects are gettingmroe complex where you have at least one android project libraries orseveral chained to your android application project. This is coming from a Java enterpsie Server Side point of view. Why not have proper logging of the android project library?

What do I mean by proper logging? You log the start entry point of a method and the state and values of objects as they change in the method. Why do this? Because it just MIGHT REDUCE DEBUGGING BY 90 PERCENT, would not that be a good goal to reach?

So you do not use a better log system like logback or log4j, that is still not a very good excuse think of the added debug load you are placing on the developers using your android project library.

But, it passed MY TESTS…you really want to stick with that? In a complex systems there is no such thing as your tests will not always more often than not pick up how the end devloper uses the library.

Not to mention the side benefit of your own debugging load being reduced as well if you just added some log statements. Why not join me in making the android application developer the hero by putting some log statements in your android project library rather than just a token few today.

Read: Android Project Library Ghetto

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