This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Fred Grott.
Original Post: The Beginning of a Fix
Feed Title: GrottWorkShop
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Feed Description: Android development with a passion for Android, Java, and Agile.
One of the problems, I think, with the android application build system is the unfinished mapping of concepts. Let me give you an example. In Android projects we have several project types.
I Google’s world we have an App Project, An Instrumented Project, and An Android Library Project. Sounds simple right? That is part of the problem as only under certain limited conditions is that project type marked in an ANT properties file and as we know on studying Google’s current Android App build system the ant setup task doe snto always execute with each build case.
My proposal as a first step is to mark a property iin for now that is the variable to indicate project type. Unlike the isLibrary, its not set by the SDK. This than will free the developer to be more flexible in their own build scripts because now instead of having a delayed determination of project type in the pre-compile/pre-build target we can now determine the project type during the very beginning during the loading of ant property files.
What is the difference? It somewhat puts Groovy Gradle, Buildr, and Apache ANT on equal footing as than the initialization setup logic is not hidden in an ANT target but someewhat at the beginnning of the build script.
Plus, in my proposal you can define new project types if needed. Say you find a new testing framework and need a new project type Gutitar UI Tesing, for example. Just set project.type in local properties and have your build logic handle it, nice and easy.
Build System Progress
Well, I have determine how to use Apache IVY and started setting up setup repo projects for the ant task libs I use and a composite one for all the project libs. I finish uploading to bitbucket today. Nice and simple I git cloen the repo setup on the dev machine and run the build script which than sets up a local IVY repo at user home directory to use in my build scripts.
The next puzzle is I have a buildSYS folder than has the doclava javadoc templates and the codeqa xsls and configurations. Thus, now we have a build system artifact that we need to store and maintain that does not fit the IVY or MAVEN dependency systems.
The ideal system eventually would be to put a template of the build script in this folder and have a project setup script somehow grab it from wherever you have downloaded it to as a directory. As than I could simply change the SDK project setup script to setup my system each time in a project and do project setup that way instead of through the IDE.
The general idea here is automate as much as possible to prevent breakage and preventing breakage helps ease of use and setting up good developer habits.And as a side benefit we get fast prototype iterations, this is why if you are a Chicago Startup you would want to obtain my services to produce an android application iteration or two as developer time savings when I finally have this etup will be awesome.