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by Mathias Bogaert.
Original Post: Join us in a Confluence developer doc sprint
Feed Title: Scuttlebutt
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Feed Description: tech gossip by mathias
The Atlassian technical writers invite you to one of our famous choc fests – uh, doc sprints! This time we’re targeting the Confluence developer documentation. Let’s build some simple but lustworthy Confluence add-ons, and write them up so that other people can follow in our footsteps. A doc sprint is an event where some seriously cool people spend time together, building plugins and other add-ons, and crafting tutorials around them. This time it’s happening in Sydney, San Francisco, Amsterdam, and online for everywhere else. Yes, for the first time ever, a doc sprint is happening in Amsterdam. Reliable sources tell us there’s a divine chocolate shop just around the corner from the Atlassian office. The ideal venue for a doc sprint! Event details Date: Wednesday 22 August to Friday 24 August 2012 (3 days) Location in Australia: The Atlassian Sydney office, 173-185 Sussex Street, Sydney, Australia Location in the US: The Atlassian San Francisco office, 1098 Harrison Street, San Francisco, CA, 94103, USA Location in Europe: The Atlassian Amsterdam office, Keizersgracht 311, 1016EE Amsterdam, Netherlands Online: Want to join us remotely? If you can’t make it to Sydney, San Francisco or Amsterdam, or if you’d like to spend just a few hours rather than the whole two days, drop in on our daily webinar sessions, follow the buzz in our online chat room and subscribe to our email list. We’ll fill in the details nearer the date. Sign up and tweet Add your name to the list of attendees. Make sure you tell us your chocolate middle name. Take heed: Your choice of name may have unexpected consequences. And tweet #AtlassianDocSprint. What will you get out of it ? A designer, limited-edition, Atlassian doc sprint T-shirt. No-one else in your ‘hood will have one like it! Eternal recognition as author. Your name will appear as author of the tutorial on the Atlassian documentation wiki. Kudos from the Atlassian technical writers. We’ll write up our results on the Atlassian blog and you’ll be inducted into the Doc Sprint Hall of Fame. Learn while you write. We’ll have some Atlassian developers on tap to help us over the sticky spots. Pair with a technical writer to get those words buzzing. Chocolate. Indubitably, there will be chocolate in there somewhere. A doc sprint is the real ShipIt, where what you build really does ship in short order. So join us if you can!