This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Michael Cote.
Original Post: Re: "Requirements Required"
Feed Title: Cote's Weblog: Coding, Austin, etc.
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Feed Description: Using Java to get to the ideal state.
Chris Heller has an interesting point about requirements: the "fast, cheap, quick - pick two" method of requirements selection is used everyday in life for plenty of non-software oriented decisions.
(Why is it I can never spell "requirements"? I know commas go inside quotes, what The Great Serial Comma Debate is, how to use semicolons, hell, I even know all that there/their/they're horse-crap...but I can't spell for shit. The world would think I was a total dumb-fuck -- which it to say, not an "80% dumb-fuck" as the world probably believes currently -- if it weren't for spellcheck.)