Last week Atlassian released their new JIRA Studio, which is a hosted software development suite that supports every role of a high-performing development team throughevery stage of your development process.. One of the new feature is called the Activity Bar and it is powered by Atmosphere!
Jean-Francois shows us the new JIRA Studio "Recent Issues" window (see above), and continues:
Atmosphere is hidding inside the « Recent Issues » window above . You can read the official annoucement here and why Atmosphere was choosen instead of Servlet 3.0 or private implementation like Jetty and Grizzly.
If you're not familiar with Project Atmosphere it's a subproject of GlassFish. Here's the project introduction:
Atmosphere is a POJO based framework using
Inversion of Control (IoC)
to bring push/Comet
to the masses! Finally a framework which can run on any Java based Web Server, including
Google App Engine, Tomcat, Jetty,
GlassFish, Weblogic,
Grizzly, JBossWeb and JBoss, Resin, etc.
without having to wait for Servlet 3.0 Async support or without the needs to learn how Comet or WebSocket support has been differently implemented by all those Containers.
Servlet 3.0 is supported along with framework like Cometd/Bayeux, Jersey, GWT, Wicket etc. and programming language like JRuby, Groovy and Scala. Finally, any web application can be clustered using our Cluster plugin architecture (JMS, Shoal or JGroups).
Jean-Francois notes the irony of how sometimes what you've worked on in the past suddenly finds you again:
Wow! It has been a pleisure to work with Richard Wallace and his team. Since we are using JIRA @ Ning, I should soon work with my own framework!
This blog has been in my Drafts folder for quite some time now, needed some final tweaks, and finally pushing it out. Chapter 22 of Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1 specification (released as part of Java EE 6) describes "Embeddable Usage" as ...
My small iBatis based sample application is really taking shape now. Apart from the cool PropertyPanel integration in the central editor area below, the other noteworthy thing is that all three of the windows are aware of changes to the underlying model. So, when either the Properties window or the editor are used to change a property, all the other windows are notified and appropriate events take place, such as the display name of the node in the viewer on the left getting updated. Despite the fact that all three windows come from different modules, of course...
Despite all the report comprehension in Hudson, such as JUnit, PMD, FindBugs, etc., log files still hold a special place in terms of capturing what has really happened. Hudson does a bit of AJAX in this space to let you follow output as it comes, but the log is basically just a plain text that doesn't really have structures. But that is changing. One of the recent improvements in Hudson is the infrastructure and extension points for Hudson (and its plugins) to mark up the console output to improve interactivity and do some cool stuff...
It’s my great pleasure today to announce the availability of releases of the following projects: * Substance look-and-feel version 6.0 (code named Sonoma); * Trident animation library version 1.2 (code named Cookie Jar); * Laf-Widget library version 5.0 (code named Magnolia) ...
In this post I will share my recent findings about Container Dependency Injection in JEE 6, in particular how to decouple the processing threads of event producers and event consumers. JEE 6 introduces a very nice dependency injection framework (CDI) that has superb support for the Observer pattern in the form of event broadcasting. An Event in CDI is just a regular POJO...
In the Forums, ramix is seeking the LWUIT Demo for android: Hi, is there anyway to get the LWUITDemo project that is ported to android? or to download the LWUIT ported source code somewhere?
In the GlassFish forum, bi30 posted Lookup EJB via JNDI from custom MBean: Hello, I'm trying to get information from my application, deployed on Glassfish v2.1, using custom Mbean. On my application, I have an interface : package com.polop.application; ...
In the Metro and JAXB forum, scott wonders about Overloading methods: We have a few calls from our Axis services (I'm coverting to use Metro) that have the same method name but different parameters. Is this wrong to do? It will not be too bad if I have to give each call a unique name, but there will be a contract change...
Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart announces: "The replays from our presentation on the
GlassFish Roadmap
are now available in different formats, including
SlideCast (Slides with synchronized audio)..."
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