When you download the GlassFish Virtual Conference slides (Sun Online Account registration required), you get a zip file that includes 16 PDFs of presentations that were part of the virtual conference. Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine is packaging each presentation with the MP3 audio from the conference, and wrapping it with a nice audio (and musical) introduction and closing, to form the entry on the GlassFish Podcast blog. Each episode includes a link to the supporting slides download, and links to additional reference materials related to the topic of that particular episode. It's really a very nice re-presentation of the content from the virtual conference.
Here's a brief rundown of what's in the presentation download and the corresponding GlassFish Podcast episode:
Virtual Conference Title
GF Podcast Episode
Welcome to Java Enterprise Edition 6 The Foundation of Your Enterprise
Tom Kincaid, Anil Gaur, Bill Shannon, Kevin Schmidt, Eduardo Pelegri Llopart
Not that I want to put pressure on Alexis -- but, at the rate he's been posting new virtual conference episodes, we'll probably see all of the remaining virtual conferences transformed into GlassFish Podcast episodes by the end of next week.
Thanks to the injection of the domain object into actions (an approach discussed in this blog yesterday), it is now possible to play multiple scores simultaneously in the JFugue Music NotePad (see the menu items 'Melody' and 'Harmony' on the root node in the brand new viewer component below)...
The title may sound a bit retro to some of us, but the Open Source Love Day March 2010 was actually a pretty serious technology event:
Yesterday, we held our first Open Source Love Day (OSLD) for this year. The last OSLD was at December 2009. Then, we reassigned a day in January and February each to perform our relocation to the new (and much bigger) office. But now we are back to regular duty and had the time to donate some worhttp://blogs.sun.com/alexismp/k back to the Open Source ecosystem...
Time to do an updated list of GlassFish books. I've added 16 new entries since the March Review; some are dedicated to the operation of GlassFish, some use GlassFish in all their examples, some only in most. I'm sure there are other worthy entries; add a comment if you want to submit names to the collage; I've left out books that only use GlassFish as one of the "common containers" (GlassFish, Apache Tomcat and JBoss)...
In 2001, i create a small prototype of application platfrom called cimande, and now in 2010, the project become one of the case study of a lot of people, and the movement getting strong. A lot of companies try to use and also create a smiliar project like we did here. Strange, need 9 years to make people in this country understand the power of this. But none of us here, create a model like we did, Open Sourcing the code to the public, our first release around April 2001, and we keep contributing, and we have more than 30 projects using cimande, which cimande is part of the BlueOxygen project umbrella...
There can be issues promoting Java applications over the Internet. There are various versions of Windows and Windows Server that run pre-6 Java, or even Microsoft Java Virtual Machine. Verifying the version of Java on someone machine is a good way of eliminating a potential problem. Michael Horowitz sponsors the embedded applet approach at http://www.javatester.org/version.html However, there are several issues with the embedded applet approach...
Have you got magnolia-4.3? Setup multiple sites? All right, you are all done. The only thing left is to observe the load on the server and how many requests you can serve. You might have noticed that after activating the content, load on the public is bit higher even though there is no increase in traffic. Why? Simply because after activating the piece of content, cache on the public instance have been flushed. Well, so far this is actually nothing else but what you want...
In the Forums, garfeildpb asks Why is fscontext.jar used in Java Web Start?: Dear Tim and Everybody, There is a question about Java Web Start(JWS below) in GlassFish V2.1. When reading the GlassFish's source (*) ,I found that C:\glassfish\imq\lib\fscontext.jar is used in JWS module.As I...
d039113 has questions regarding Dynamic keystore in Metro 2.0: I was following the posts [1],[2] to enable dynamic keystores for signing keys. In the META-INF/<config xml=""> file I now have an entry: <config> ...
In the Java WS & XML Community forum, nanil21 asks how to maintain session information in swings: Hi, I am using swings as front end. I am using HttpURLConnection class to get connected to a url which has login page. Once I send the request using POST method with login credentials, I am able to see the response and it workds fine. Now if I send...
The application menu button in the ribbon component from Flamingo component suite is a big round button in the top left corner of the ribbon. It is not a direct replacement for the usual application menu bar, but rather a place to hold actions that (as a general rule) do not affect the visual content of the document – such as saving, printing, sharing etc. Prior to version 5.0, the ribbon frame...
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