This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Talip Ozturk.
Original Post: Hazelcast 1.8.1 with Cluster Monitoring
Feed Title: Shared Memory
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Feed Description: about java, jcache, jini, javaspaces, distributed data structures and a little bit of me and life.
With the new 1.8.1, we have the most robust, feature-rich and still fastest Hazelcast ever!
During the last couple of months, we experienced the happiness of seeing Hazelcast running in production at several giant companies which let us fix so many issues and handle several edge cases. This is like the most bug-fix-ever release :)
We also finished the new clustering monitoring tool which shows you how your cluster is doing. It tells you a lot about your distributed maps (operations per second, size and memory on each member, lock counts, map browser), your cluster members and partitions. Here is the release notes:
Hazelcast Cluster Monitoring Tool. see the hazelcast-monitor-1.8.1.war
in the distro.
New Partition API.. which member owns which partition or key? listen
for migration events.
New IMap.lockMap() API. do not let anyone operate on the map
New Multicast+TCP/IP join feature. Try multicast first, if not found,
try tcp/ip.
New Hazelcast.getExecutorService(name) API. have separate named
ExecutorServices. do not let your big tasks blocking your small ones.
New Logging API. Build your own logging. or simply use Log4J or get
logs as LogEvents.
New MapStatistics API. Get statistics for your Map operations and entries.
HazelcastClient automatically updates the member list. no need to pass
all members.
Ability to start the cluster members evenly partitioned. so no migration.
So many bug fixes and enhancements.
There are some minor Config API change.
So you haven't seen the cluster monitoring tool yet! Here is a screenshot: