The Project Grizzly team has released Version 1.9.18. Jean-Francois Arcand summarizes the new release in his blog post, which is featured below in Java Today.
The version number of the latest release implies a couple things: 1) the Grizzly team is working on a Version 2.0.0; and 2) the current release consists primarily of stability enhancements (bugs are fixed and performance is improved). Both of these are correct. Jean-Francois explains:
This version doesn't contains any new features as we have focused on performance and fixing bugs. The change logs can be found here. Note that we are more and more to work on the Grizzly Servlet Container and make it pass the Servlet 2.5 TCKs. Hopefully before the end of the year we will have it working on both Grizzly 1.9.x and 2.0.0! On The Grizzly 2.0.0 side, we have been swamped by the upcoming GlassFish v3 release all summer (hopefully Oracle allow us more resources :-))....but 1.9.18 should be the last one integrated in v3, hence we will resume our full time work on completing Grizzly 2.0.0.
If you're not familiar with Project Grizzly, the project summary states:
Writing scalable server applications in the Java programming language has always been difficult. Before the advent of the Java New I/O API (NIO), thread management issues made it impossible for a server to scale to thousands of users. The Grizzly NIO and Web framework has been designed to help developers to take advantage of the Java NIO API. Grizzly goals is to help developers to build scalable and robust servers using NIO and we are also offering extended framework components: Web Framework (HTTP/S), Bayeux Protocol, Servlet, HttpService OSGi and Comet.
When you visit the Project Grizzly home page, you see that Grizzly is portrayed as a subproject of GlassFish. Indeed, Jean-Francois notes:
GlassFish v3 is a heavy user of the Grizzly HTTP Framework: ALL Scripting language support: JRuby, Python and Groovy, the Admin CLI, Monitoring/Management REST API (with the help of Jersey's GrizzlyAdapter), EJB WebServices, Java WebStart, etc....
So, if you're using GlassFish Version 3, you are probably also using Project Grizzly (though you may not explicitly be aware of that fact).
A follow-up entry to Dick Wall's Google Group post to my
earlier reaction to Java language evolution and management concerns raised in the first twenty minutes of
episode #277 of the Java Posse podcast.
Anyone can have an opinion. Having an informed opinion takes some effort. Implementing the conclusions of an informed opinion can take considerably more effort.
The naming conventions for abstract classes are as superfluous as for interfaces
I'll be speaking on Wednesday night (Sept 30) in the Sun offices in NY and am looking forward to meeting up a number of people. If you're around please do join in. After that I'll be off to JAOO Aarhus Denmark where I'll be offering my performance seminar on the 4th of Oct (late addition to the schedule). The all day tutorial includes a meety problem to sink your proiler into. Afterwards I'm happy to have people to join in for a beer!
In case you have trouble to find a unique name for an abstract class, you probably don't need it. Some reasons, why 'Abstract' doesn't have to appear as prefix in the name of an abstract class:
Abstract classes are already distinguishable by the keyword abstract. There is no need to further emphasize it.
A prefix 'Abstract' doesn't provide any additional value to the user - in contrary it blurs the actual intension.
Modern IDEs don't let you instantiate an abstract class, even before saving / compiling...
The GlassFish Mobility Platform team has been working on many new features since the 1.1 release back in February 2009, one of which is adding support for MCBO on the Java SE platform. This will allow the development of desktop synchronization clients that are much more powerful than their mobile Java ME siblings...
In a previous post : PART2 I describe how to run JSP over Grizzly. Now I'll show you how to run PHP over Grizzly. here a sample web.xml file for PHP support. (I'm using Quercus, but you could use native PHP too)...
In the Forums, mymegabyte notes that Those pesky mtgame IOOBEs are still around: "It has been awhile since I brought this up because I know you guys are working hard to fix as many bugs as possible. However, I am a bit nervous that the preview is out without a fix. This weekend I was able to rather quickly reproduce the crashes on..."
azig asks How to separately build a jsr from phoneme?: "Could anybody help How to separately build a jsr from phoneme? for example build out jsr75 to a jar package like jsr75.jar? Many thanks!"
And skalabic reports an Issue: SamsungE250 - screen is black after returning from native dev dialog: "Hello, on Samsung E250, after user responds to the security question regarding allowing application to open data connection (http get request), when control is back to the Java app. in 50% cases screen is just black. Application is still running,..."
Our current Spotlight is Media Streams Player Release 1.0.0: The Media Streams Player Project has announced the release of Version 1.0.0: "Aalhamdulillah! Most probably this is going to be the very first release of a complete cross-platform media player which is written in the Java Programming Language. Media Streams Player is entirely written in the Java Programming Language using the Java Media Framework (JMF) API. This cross-platform media player can play Video & Audio files of most of the popular media file formats on different popular Hardware & OS platforms. This application is currently under development. But this demo version which is ready to be released is a stable version of the application. End users of the application can use the Windows version of the media player just downloading & installing the Windows executable of Media Streams Player. They can find it at the Home Page of the project located at the given URL."
Our Feature Articles include Jeff Lowery's new article A Finite State Machine Supporting Concurrent States, which demonstrates how Java enums and EnumSets can be used as a basis to define and validate application states and state transitions. We're also featuring Jeff Friesen's article Introducing Custom Paints to JavaFX, which shows how you can leverage undocumented JavaFX capabilities to support custom paints in JavaFX Version 1.2.
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