This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Talip Ozturk.
Original Post: Hazelcast 1.6 Released
Feed Title: Shared Memory
Feed URL:
Feed Description: about java, jcache, jini, javaspaces, distributed data structures and a little bit of me and life.
Support for synchronous backups and configurable backup-count for maps.
Eviction support. Timed eviction for queues. LRU, LFU and time based eviction for maps.
Statistics/history for entries. create/update time, number of hits, cost. see IMap.getMapEntry(key)
MultiMap implementation. similar to google-collections and apache-common-collections MultiMap but distributed and thread-safe.
Being able to destroy() the data structures when not needed anymore.
Being able to Hazelcast.shutdown() the local member.
Get the list of all data structure instances via Hazelcast.getInstances().
What is next: Load/Store interface for persistence. Not that far though... We should have a beta in a month! We will have read-through, write-through, write-behind.