This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Fred Grott.
Original Post: Google Bring Your Effing A game
Feed Title: ShareMe Technologies LLC-The Mobile Future
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Feed Description: A Weblog about Java programming and digital convergence on mobile devices in such areas as P2P and collaborative technology.
Lately, I have developed a habit on Saturdays to have my browser open to Live Twit to listen to the Gillmor Gang on Saturdays. First my bias in two areas, my idea for a Loopt clone usng WebkitWebview I owe in part to listening to ideas exposed on the GillllMor Gang since last year and my second bias is that I had the displesure of running into Open Social Platform lack of intelligent brain cells in previous deelings with someone from Google within the Open Social Platform group.
Point One, T-Mobile sold 1 million G1 deivces in 6 months which is the exact same period thay Apple took to sell theie2G iPhone devices which means it beat streat expectations. which directly answers the how many G1's were sold without giving ground. Second, how many 2G iPhones did consumers hold onto as the counter point thrown out there by, I think by MA,
Third, Andorid OS is directly related to other Gogoel products through its ease of connecting to cloud APIs and other Google APIs. Wise the F up when you appear on Gillmor gang that you are handed an unique marketing opportunity and bring your effing A Game! the which is better debate is not handled by open versus closed because that is what everyone in 2nd place resorrts to.
However, open does in fact bring more effective user features due to the implementation differences by being open. Its the difference between a clsoed activity stream such as MySpace or facebook and a soemewhat open public activity stream such as twitter. This is not college where you may have splet through summer classes in Calculus due to overbooked classes yet still passed with A- in Calculus due to still doing the class homework and retaking the in-class quizes.
You actually have to care enough to think intelligently about doign some ground prepapration work to bring your A Game. Google bring your effing A Game. Considering that the selling point to developers is that inclusion set of Google Cloud APIs included in the Android SDk and devices it might be wise to finally bring your effing A Game. Okay, rant off.