Check out the above screencast of a Twitter-like service built for “enterprise” use, ESME. It’s actually pretty impressive.
In this demo, allowing people to do time-shifted/near real-time trouble-shooting. While they manage to cram just about every buzz-technology into the short demo (Scala, AIR, and even cloud computing!), it’s actually a well done example of how something Twitter-like could be used in a company to do “real work.”
Also, it reminds us that when it comes to automating and enhancing collaboration - “Enterprise 2.0,” to be erroneously broad-stroking - anything beyond a shared, real-time whiteboard is probably too complicated and specialized to work broadly in business settings.
People in the SAP community came up with this project with much help from all several tangentially-SAP-y folks and net-people. Even more interesting than the technology itself is how and if SAP-proper would work towards knocking that trailing “E” off “ESME.”