"Django, started nearly
five years ago by programmers affiliated with The World Company, now
joins a lineup of pervasive computer languages and systems — including
Mozilla, Apache and Linux — to be overseen by a nonprofit organization.
The Django Software Foundation, based in Lawrence, now owns the
trademark and intellectual property that form the basis for the
application that is used to create increasingly popular Web publishing
programs, the likes of which are used by operations ranging from
LJWorld.com here in town to The Washington Post and others worldwide.
With a foundation, Django will be able to continue its growth with
new assistance from software operations large and small, from
one-person outfits to industry leaders such as Google."
This is good news for Django's long term viability. It'll encourage an ecosystem to grow around Django and should also help avoid any issues around trademarking (as happened with Rails a while back) and intellectual property rights.