This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Michael Cote.
Original Post: Coffee in Bed, of, Thanksgiving Lazy-Links
Feed Title: Cote's Weblog: Coding, Austin, etc.
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Using Java to get to the ideal state.
US State Governments avoid offshoring, e.g., "New Jersey now spends $340,000 per month on supporting its welfare benefits applications from a call center in Camden, which represents a 28% premium over the $266,200 monthly charge it was paying for the service when it was delivered from Mumbai. " There are interesting responses to The Register's article as well. Also, the CNET story on the same topic.
iPod Users Strike Back! "Irked at what seemed to be the early obsolescence of the music player, the brothers trekked around New York City stenciling the words "iPod's unreplaceable battery lasts only 18 months" on all the iPod posters they could find."
The way to beat China is to stop being scared of pressing our advantages, and to press them. Our advantages are speed, capital and liberty. We have tossed those away to fight the "war on terror" and in doing this, we have given away the real game.
On not using RSS/Aggregators: "I think the most important thing about this technique is that I am reading a wider variety of sites now than I was with RSS. With RSS, at a certain point, I was basically slaving away at reading all of the sites I was already subscribed to. Without it, I try out new names on blogrolls more often. "