Another EclipseCon has come and gone, and for the Genuitec team it was a successful, exhausting and exciting time.
We were proud to have two product releases for EclipseCon this year: a preview of Pulse 2.0 and the general availability release of MyEclipse 6.1 Blue Edition. EclipseCon provided the perfect platform to talk to our “in the trenches” users, answer their questions and even share our products with new users.
Attendees from around the world showed up at EclipseCon 2008 to check out the Eclipse-awesomeness provided by exhibiting companies, leading experts and product gurus.
On the exhibition side, Genuitec hosted two booths: Pulse and MyEclipse/MyEclipse Blue. With the invaluable assistance of our Eclipse Foundation bobble-head dolls, we were able to share the Genuitec gospel a bit, as it were.
Aditionally, and with some fabulous foresight, the EclipseCon organizers drew attendees into the exhibit hall with the luring siren song of booze and snacks, which allowed Genuitec to shower hundreds of visitors to our booths with prizes ranging from bottle koozies to free MyEclipse licenses for playing our “MyEclipse, MyMonopoly” board game.
On the speaking front, Tim Webb, Genuitec's project manager for Pulse, hosted the “provisioning in the trenches” BOF (birds of a feather) on Tuesday night – a round table session that allowed provisioning developers the ability to bounce ideas off of each other. Tim guided the discussion and enabled developers to gain massive insight to the problems and solutions of software tool provisioning.
Also speaking, Todd Williams, our VP of Technology, let Eclipse ecosystem members take a peek into ways they can monetize Eclipse and the advantages it offers in a highly-competitive marketplace.
All in all EclipseCon was a whirlwind trip. It's amazing that so much can happen in four short days. The last (albeit unofficial) count I heard for registered attendees was 1,700. That is a lot of Java developers in one place – and what a wonderful place.
As a closing image, we've included Eclipse Foundation Executive Director Mike Milinkovich posing with his bobblehead doll. There's plenty of fun to be had at EclipseCons, and we hope to see you next year!