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Original Post: New Survey Confirms Increased Agile Adoption
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A recent Methods & Tools poll researched the agile software development practices adoption rate in organizations. The question asked was "At what stage is the agile approach (XP, Scrum, TDD, ...) adoption at your location?" A similar poll was already performed in 2005. Its results are between brackets.
Not aware: 13% (26%) Not using: 13% (16%) Investigating: 14% (14%) Analysed and rejected: 4% (3%) Pilot projects: 8% (4%) Partial implementation (adoption of some agile practices): 17% (17%) Partial deployment (some projects are using this approach): 14% (12%) Deployed (all new projects are using this approach): 17% (8%)
Participants: 512 (232 in 2005)
Comparing the two sets of results, we could notice that the level of ignorance of the agile movement has decreased, as only 13% of the organizations are not aware of its existence. Full deployment numbers have doubled in the recent years to reach 17% and total rate of various adoption levels is now 56% compared to 41% in 2005.
Complete results, analysis and extensive references to other agile adoption survey are available on