This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by Marc Logemann.
Original Post: things i definitely still wanna do in 2008
Feed Title: Logemann Blog
Feed URL:
Feed Description: Marc Logemann's thoughts on java and other stuff
If running a company and doing consulting wouldnt take nearly all my time, the following things would be tackled by me in 2008:
* finall using ExtJS (perhaps together with GWT with GWT-Ext) for a project
* get my hands on subversion 1.5, if it will get out of vapoware status
* re-architect our product to be OSGi aware by using Spring-OSGi
* upgrade our company wiki => TWiki (a nightmare)
* upgrade our main hardware box to VMWare Server 2.0 when its out
* Upgrade my MacBook Pro to Leopard
* Start looking into new Java6 features
* Investigate into Grails.
As you can see. A lot of things to do. I am sure i wont complete half of the list but nevertheless you need to have goals right?