This post originated from an RSS feed registered with Java Buzz
by dion.
Original Post: Links for 2008-02-02 []
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Feed Description: blogging about life the universe and everything tech
Deliver us from Microsoft
Stephen Fry talks about the Asus EEE PC which is tiny and runs Linux. A co-worker showed one that she got from asia, and I am tempted to get one as Sam's computer.
JAQL: A JSON Query Language
"Although Jaql has been designed specifically for JSON, we have tried to borrow some of the best features of SQL, XQuery, and PigLatin"
Not Exactly AJAX: SQL on the client
"At first glance," Brent continued, "this didn't look too bad. But then I realized where I was staring at the code. It was in Notepad, launched by Internet Explorer's View->Source option."
"That's right, it was all done client-side by firing off a VBSc
Ruby scoped struct
Because you can, you often play deeper and deeper with things that you just take for granted elsewhere
Git is the next Unix
"With git, we've invented a new world where revision history, checksums, and branches don't make your filesystem slower: they make it faster. They don't make your data bigger: they make it smaller. They don't risk your data integrity; they guarantee integ